Monday, October 6, 2014

Book Review - Cupcakes, Trinkets, and other Deadly Magic by Meghan Ciana Doidge


Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic

by. Meghan Ciana Doidge

Rating - *** (3 stars)

This is a paranormal story that is not quite like most paranormal stories. For one, it is centered around a cupcake store. The owner is a part witch who believes she has no true skill with magic. Instead she focuses on baking the most amazing cupcakes (she even will bake up gluten free cookies, so the cupcake theme did not even loose the book a star).

For such a dark ending the writing was pretty light and easy going. It was a short and easy read. However, it was also an enjoyable one. I stayed up late just to finish the book, and was disappointed when it was done. I do eventually have plans to even go on and read the next book, which is about as high of praise as you can get.

Should you read it? If you like paranormal stories of any kind - then yes. If you do not, then you should probably give it a try anyway if it is still free. Either way just remember this is a great book for the beach, not one for really making you think. However, we need all kinds.

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