Friday, October 3, 2014

Being Anti-Social by Leigh K Cunningham


Being Anti-Social

by. Leigh K Cunningham

Rating ****

I admit that I did not know what to expect upon starting this book. The title is what drew me to it in the first place. How could I not love reading about another anti social individual? There is a reason that this blog is called The Book Recluse after all.

The book is well written. There were no major stand out flaws in grammar or that, although as long as it is not major in your face it is easy for me to overlook such things. The writing flowed well, which is harder for me to overlook. The main character really came alive, all her faults and admirations as you follow her through approximately a year of her life.

The novel is an adult coming of age story. Sometimes we do not have everything figured out once we hit the adult age, or even after we turn 40. There is still plenty of room to grow. It is this growth that the novel portrays.

My favorite aspect of the story is that it does not end all wrapped up and placed with a bow. Yes, the main character grows, but she knows that there is still so much more room for her to grow. Although, I must say that the ending is also very predictable, and not entirely satisfactory. Although I understood it was going to end that way, I did not think the reason given that it did was enough.



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