Friday, August 1, 2014

Book Review - Messanger



by. Lois Lowry


Rating **** (4 stars)


Messanger is the third book in The Giver series. In this book we start to see some connection between the first book in the series and the second. The main charactor is the young Mat from Gathering Blue. He is older now and has found the ability to heal.

It is a real good thing that he has, since the village that collects broken people and the very forrest sorrounding it seems to be turning in on itself.

The story, like all the others, is short and a fast read. It follows the tradition of ending the story with so much left to say, however at least the reader is left with a better sence of the outcome then the other two stories.

Like all the stories in the series the writing is beautiful. That alone is worth reading this series.  Lowry truly has the gift of putting words together. Unfortunatly her plots have ranged from downright frustrating to beautiful. The plot of Messanger is inbetween. While it is good, it really does not bring the reader any closer to the world which she has created.

I am interested in how the fourth book will conclude the series.

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