Thursday, February 6, 2014

Book Review - How to Feed a Family of 4 or More for Less than $200 a Month

How to Feed a Family of 4 or More for Less then $200 a month

by. Melissa Burnell

Rating ** (2 stars)

It is pretty obvious that this book is a self published work. This in and of itself is not bad. The book is formatted pretty well. The title page is even decent. It is broken down into chapters. The writing is not bad. The book is short and to the point. 

The ideas that is presented is in no way universal. They do not even try to make it so. It is more of a this is how I can work it so you see it can be done. Part of this information I also received by visiting their website after reading the book - the book did not add up. 

One claim is to make everything from scratch. This is great. It is much healthier to make everything from scratch. I make a LOT of items from scratch. Not everything. I work 40 plus hours and have three kids - who throw a fit while I am cooking. Hopefully not everyone is in the same situation as me. Yet, the reality is making everything from scratch is very hard for most people. 

Do not eat out - duh! However, I would not even count that grocery money. Yep, I budget that separately. 

My favorite one is they do not include eggs in their budget. Why? They have some in their back yard. I wish. That would drastically cut our budget. They also use their own garden. Once again, I wish. These are not practical ideas for a lot of people. 

Do not get me wrong. I have grocery shopped for four people on less then $200 a month. It included a lot of processed junk. This book does not work for real high quality food. 

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