Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Book Review - Raising Innocence by Shannon Mayer

Raising Innocence


by. Shannon Mayer

Rating **1/2(2 1/2 stars)

If this was the first book in the series Rylee Adamson series I would not be continuing on. As it is, this is the third book in the series. Many series seems to have a time when they are a bit dried up, and you can see the writer struggling to continue the series. In Raising Innocence it seems that Mayer hit an period of adolescence instead.

She made completely irrational decisions in the plot, and then tried to backtrack and connect them to what has happened in the first two books - in most cases completely unsuccessfully.

The vulgarity is absolutely horrible in this book. While the series never was clean, it was at least semi appropriate. In this novel Rylee basically tells the reader that she is going to speak like she wants to, and screw anyone who does not like it.

Along the same lines Rylee's attitude has downgraded to that of a thirteen  year old book with authority issues. Yes, she always had issues, but not to this degree.

The saving grace is that Mayer is able to put two words together without making the reader cringe - unless those two words are actually a whole string of unnecessary profanity. Even then it does no good unless the plot and charactors are worth investing time in reading.

I was so excited when the third book in the series finally came to Kindle Unlimited. Then I read it, and wished I would have just skipped to the fourth book. However, I would have probably had a hard time understanding what was going on in the fourth book since the third book took everything from the first two books and threw them out the window.

Overall, not impressed but hopeful that Mayer took feedback and improved in the forth book.

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