Monday, August 11, 2014

Book Review - Changeling's Crown

Changeling's Crown

By Juli D. Revezzo


changelings crown tour banner

Virtual Book Tour Dates: 8/12/14 – 8/19/14

Genres: New Adult Paranormal Romance (Sweet)

Tour Promo Price: $.99




Rating  - ***1/2 (3 1/2 stars)

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was eager to read Changeling's Crown because I was drawn to the unique plot. Paranormal romance is so full of werwolves and vampires that having the main character be a fairy godmother seemed ingenious. The world continues to be unique with the main characters going between the land of the fairies and the human realm.

The writing of Changeling's Crown is great. The words flowed together well. They were not awkward in construction. I did not notice one awkward comma or even misspelled word - but I will admit that is not my major strength.

The characters are good. They could have used some build up and a bit more backstory earlier in the book to make them seem a bit more real. In truth it was the last few chapters where I really formed an emotional connection with them.

There is an adage in writing to show do not tell. Yet, I think this book could have benefited from a little more telling. The world is so different from what is in the mainstream market that a few sentences, or even paragraphs of backstory of the society and the main character earlier in the novel would have stopped me from having to always feel like I was having to play catch up and could really focus on the characters.

Overal, I really enjoyed the book. It is a fun light read that is different then most everything you will pick up.


One winner will win an e-book copy of any title from Juli D. Revezzo backlist! See them all at – Open internationally, must be 18 or over to enter. Enter through Rafflecopter.


When Ianthe began her career as a faery godmother, she stumbled so badly that Snow White will probably never speak to her again. After a long suspension, she’s finally been given a chance to redeem herself…but everything on this latest assignment is going wrong.

But why?

Worse, she definitely doesn’t need an attractive mortal man distracting her from her duties. Of course, needs and wants are two different things.

Briak has had his eye on Ianthe for a very, very long time, but he’s been waiting for just the right moment to make his move. Despite the fact all hell’s about to break loose on his watch, he can’t resist the opportunity to insert himself into her earthly assignment. Can he convince Ianthe of her true calling and thereby win her heart? Or will his subterfuge ultimately cost him her love?

See the book trailer on Youtube



What had she said wrong?
“If Mallory cared about their relationship, would she’ve done something like this? I mean, she didn’t even check with us first.”
But [Briak] didn’t seem quite as annoyed as he should. Indeed, Ianthe thought he was amused.
“These things happen,” she said, watching her father [examine the sick mare]. The elder man muttered to himself and from the sound of it, Ianthe didn’t think he was coming up with good news for Snow White’s owner. “We’ll deal with it.” She frowned. “Who knows if you might not need to reschedule both?”
[Briak] glanced at her, worry wiggling deep into his eyes. “Yeah.” He cared about the horses if not so much the owner’s schedule. What a weird guy.
She reached out and smoothed a hand down his back. Briak relaxed a little and so did she. “She’ll be okay,” she said. “Daddy’s the best vet I know. Why don’t we get him some coffee? You don’t need to hover.”
“I’m not hovering.” A smile lit over Briak’s face for the first time. “Besides, we’re going to owe you a check for this. Come on inside and I’ll see to it.”
She laced her arm through his and tugged him to the doors. “Whatever you want to call it, I’m not going to refuse.”
Though he seemed reluctant to go, that he followed her, and she liked it, confused her. She didn’t need the distraction. What had she been thinking to suggest they go inside, away from the others? Maybe a little faery dust would make him go away—and knock sense into her.
He opened the office door for her, ushered her over the threshold, and disappeared into Randall’s office for a moment.
“Tell me about this group Mallory booked,” she called out.
“They’ve been here, I don’t know... Years,” Briak said. “I’ve seen them around the hospital now and then. Their coordinator said they work with the cancer patients.” He reemerged and handed her a check. “Hang on to this.”
“Daddy’s not finished his exam, yet,” Ianthe said.
“I trust your word. If you say he’s skilled, he’ll be worth the pay. Will this do?”
She glanced down at the check, studying Briak’s fine, clean script. He’d offered more than she suspected they paid their own veterinarian. “I can’t take this.”
He folded her hand around it. “It’s the least we can do. Keep it.”
She didn’t want to break his hold, but he soon moved away and she folded the check into her pocket.
“You wanted some coffee,” he said.
She nodded. “Please. I hear drumming circles can be a boon to good health,” she said, returning to the previous subject.
Briak shrugged. “I guess. You ask me, they’re loud.”
She smiled. “Drums tend to be.”
He retrieved a can from the cabinet. His hands unsteady, he spilled coffee grounds on the counter as he tried to fill the filter. Ianthe marched over and took the coffee can away. “Here, you’re making a mess. Let me.”
She took a spoon from the strainer and used it to scoop out more grounds. Briak shifted behind her and she felt his warm breath on her neck. She gulped and shut the basket. Turning to seek out water, she landed against Briak’s broad chest.
Ianthe blinked up at him, surprised, startled, and pleased all at once. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he said.
“I need to get the water if I’m going to finish this coffee.”
“How do we keep ending up like this?” he said in a soft voice.





About the Author:

Juli D. Revezzo is a Florida girl, with a love of fantasy, science fiction, and Arthurian legend, so much so she gained a B.A. in English and American Literature. She loves writing stories with fantastical elements whether it be a full-on fantasy, or a story set in this world-slightly askew. She has been published in short form in Eternal Haunted Summer, Dark Things II: Cat Crimes (a charity anthology for cat related charities), Luna Station Quarterly, Potnia, By Blood, Bone, and Blade (forthcoming charity anthologies by Biblioteca Alexandrina); Crossing the River, An Anthology in Honor of Sacred Journeys; The Scribing Ibis: An Anthology of Pagan Fiction in Honor of Thoth, and Twisted Dreams Magazine. She’s the author of The Antique Magic series and the Paranormal Romance Harshad Wars series.

She is a member of the Independent Author Network and the Magic Appreciation Tour. Come learn more about her at


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