Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Book Review - 50/51: The Magical Adventures of a Single Life

50/51: The Magical Adventures of a Single Life

by Kristen McGuiness

Rating **** (4 stars)

I love books. My entire life has revolved around books. While my interests my have been flexible, my passion for books has never wavered. I even minored in English JUST so I could tell my kids I was doing homework when I was reading. 

I have also always had an attachment to memoirs. I love reading about other people's journey in life. When I read a memoir I do not particularly care if I can relate to their story. What I do care about is if the story is presented in a well written and engaging voice.

I think my fascination with memoir's is that it allows me to connect with an individual, on an intimate level (what is more intimate the bearing your soul in a book), in a medium that I fully understand.

51/50: The Magical Adventures of a Single Life is about the dating misadventures of Kristen McGuiness, a sober alcoholic.

The story was written during the journey, so the book adapts and changes as the author grows. It expands beyond the dates with men she works hard to pick up, to encompass the many people already in her life. More importantly it leads to a an acceptance of self, who she wants to become, which is independent of a life partner.

The book is a soul barring, honest coming of age story for the thirty year old single women. I respect that McGuiness has bared so much of her journey in this book. Her voice is dynamic and captivating. The basis of her story, acceptance, is at the core of everyone's journey.

The memoir does not end with a happily every after. I do think that McGuiness was heading towards the realization that you have to find joy in whatever moment you find yourself in, even if it is not how you pictured your life.

I hope that McGuiness continues to share her story. I would happily read any future publications from her.

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