Thursday, February 20, 2014

Book Review - The Eye of the World

The Eye of the World

by Robert Jordan

Rating ***** (5 stars)

I have started this series many times, yet I have never finished it to the final book. I am excited finally to start this journey. I first read this book over fifteen years ago. During my brief stint as a bookseller this was the one book I emphatically recommended. Now, I will recommend it here as well.

In this first book of the Wheel of Time series we met three young farm boys. The future of the world is intertwined around these three boys as well as a few young women. Everyone, except Moiraine and Lan are so innocent in this novel, yet even by the end we start to see such growth in them.

This novel is the start of an epic fantasy adventure of dark versus light - good versus evil. Yet it is not always so easy to see what is which. The plot development is amazing. The storylines are so mapped out, intertwined, and developed. Even now, my fifth or six time completing this book, I find new connections. An item mentioned in chapter one becoming significant in chapter eleven, or even subsequent books. It is truly amazing.

The characters come to life right before your eyes. You can see the three boys making stupid decisions and the girls wanting to smack some sense into them. You also see their innocence slowly falling away.

As well the flow of the writing is almost poetic. I do not remember once, even having reread it so many times, where I have stopped and thought, well that was an awkward way to say that.

I will forewarn you that the series does start to drag, finishing it is also a time commitment. This book is not small, and they get larger as the series progresses. Yet, even if you do not wish to finish the series, this first book is an amazing read - so check it out.

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