Saturday, February 15, 2014

Book Review - Dead Witch Walking

Dead Witch Walking

by Kim Harrison

Rating **** 1/2 (4 1/2 stars)

Of all the Urban Fantasy/Paranormal series that I read it is safe to say this is my second favorite. Considering how many series there are right now that is a pretty high honor.

For my favorite series I will typically reread the entire series before reading the new book. Imagine my surprise when I realized that there were multiple books that I had not read in this series. It was time to start over. What a perfect opportunity to review them here.

Kim Harrison's The Hollows series takes place in an alternate reality where a large number of the human population was wiped out by genetically engendered tomatoes - see this is why you should eat non GMO food! With the decrease in human population the otherworlders came out of the closet, and stepped in to run the world.

There is a division between humans and otherworlders with each creating their own safe havens with their own police forces and customs.

This is all backstory which you will pick up in small doses in this first book. The first book is a bit awkward setting up the relationships with the characters. They do not mesh yet, they are still determining their connection and familiarity to each other. It is a book that is meant to be a first in a series - not a stand alone novel. This works since the book is the first in a series.

The book's main character, Rachel, is strong and independent. She is also a bit neurotic and screws up a fair bit - but only enough to keep the plot interesting. There is very little romance and the first book There series itself will take some twist and turns, some books are better then others. However, it is my second favorite series for a reason.

If you read science fiction, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, fantasy, or want to try something different this is a great series to check out!

The Hollows Series

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