Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Book Review - Life, the Universe, and Everything

Life, the Universe, and Everything

by. Douglas Adams

Rating ****(4 stars)
If you have made it past the first two books in the Hitchhiker's series then you should continue on and read the third book Life, the Universe and Everything. This book continues the journey of Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect who are now stranded on the prehistoric Earth. Arthur and Ford had split ways at some point between the second book and the third book. Now Arthur has been alone for years, and is contemplating going crazy. Thankfully, an anomaly in time is about to happen and the two will hitch a ride on a couch to make it in enough time to watch the destruction of the Earth - yet again. Thankfully, Slartibartfast, the artist of the fjords from the first book, is there to get them off the planet. He needs their help anyway. . . to save the universe as we know it.

Do not worry. . . I will worn you when the series becomes to peculiar to continue on. Now is not the time. If you enjoyed the first two books continue on to the third.


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