Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Book Review - Almost Adept

Almost Adept

by Olga Godim

Rating ***1/2 (3 1/2 Stars)

Almost Adeptis a fantasy coming of age novel. The main heroines, Eriale, is the half sister to the queen. She is also a mage with power beyond her years. When Eriale turns a wood be rapist into a ram she is sent away from royal life, onto her Journeyman's quest. She is expected to make her way as a mage. Since Eriale has the power of an Adept, and the judgment of a 17 year old without formal training, this journey is not as difficult for her as it should be. It is amazing what can be solved by magic when you have yet to develop an ethical code.

While Eriale is sent on a journey to aid a neighboring nation, she is mostly concerned about her own journey of loosing her virginity. This is the one thing that stands in her way of receiving adept training. It is ironic that she is expected to be able to have control over her magic during sex before she can go on to learn how to control her magic. This is one aspect of the novel that could have really been left out.

Overall, this was an extremely enjoyable read. The writing is well done, although at the end it felt a bit rushed and awkward. The plot was interesting, not overdone, and well thought out. It is easy to tell that this is not Olga's first novel. It was an entertaining, light read, that I enjoyed finishing. Although, it did not leave a huge lasting impression.


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